How To Approach International Students From Linear-active Cultures?

This week we expore Richard D. Lewis’ model of culture classification that groups different cultures into three main types – linear-active, multi-active and reactive. Yesterday we took a more detailed look at what linear-active cultures look like with two typical...
Posted On 23 Nov 2016

Check Your International Student Recruitment Strategy: Do You Follow These Steps?

Don’t you hate it when your managers go on a boarding meeting retreat in the countryside and then return with a smile and a hardly implementable strategy? We sure do Actually, setting goals for international student recruitment or any other field in this way is one of...
Posted On 10 Nov 2016

6 Inspiring TEDx Talks About Creating Diversity

Sharing good practice models is a strategy that improves creativity and innovation. Moreover, it lets educators understand better both their national and the global context. That is why today we want to share some inspiration with a few insightful  TEDx stories about...
Posted On 09 Nov 2016

Infamous Study Agent Fraud Cases: What Can We Learn From Them?

There are bad apples in every basket, and international student recruitment is no exception. In order to prevent fraud, avoid the risk of broken dreams and lost tuition fees, we thought we can share with you the most recent infamous stories about study agent frauds....
Posted On 08 Nov 2016

How to Make Sure Your Student Mix Is Diversified and Content?

A common problem for international student offices around the world is getting to know if their student mix is actually having a quality experience. Are they getting exposed to truly diverse cultural, social and educational environments? That is why today’s...
Posted On 07 Nov 2016

Being Precise: 10 Free Resources for Understanding International Student Mobility

International student recruitment is a lot about dealing with statistical data. Where do students come from and where are they likely to go study? What is the usual age of the international student? For how long are they studying abroad? What kind of direction they are taking and...
Posted On 01 Nov 2016

7 Benefits of Visiting Education Agent Workshops

In one of our previous posts, we discussed how finding the right student recruitment agents to work with can bring real results for your institution. Today we will discuss education agent workshops as the place where educational institutions can expand their agent network,...
Posted On 15 Aug 2016

Achieving Diversity Part 1: The Needs of International Students

A month, a semester, a year or a few – no matter how much time international students spend on campus, not every minute there will consist of inspiring and challenging learning opportunities. And while the majority of any stay will be indeed spent reading, discussing,...
Posted On 06 Jul 2016

Finding the Right Student Recruitment Agent: Mission Possible

ETN Focus Workshops are created with the idea to inspire and foster a truly beneficial relationship between universities seeking to innovate and diversify their international student mix and recruitment agents from emerging and less explored markets. That is why we think of our...
Posted On 01 Jul 2016

9 Reasons Why Students Are Not Choosing Your University

The reasons behind a student’s choice of one foreign educational institution over another are quite varied. After all, international students are not a homogeneous crowd; they represent a mixture of economic backgrounds, cultural preferences and individual aspirations....
Posted On 17 Jun 2016