ITACA: a great opportunity for Italian students to study abroad
Every year INPS assigns scholarships for the realization of a period abroad of 3, 6 or 12 months through the ITACA program.
This is an interesting opportunity for human, social and cultural growth aimed at upper secondary school students, children of employees and retirees of the public administration.
ITACA is therefore a real school journey in transnational mobility to be carried out at a European or extra European level.
Last year the call was published in October 2018 and a total of 1,500 scholarships were awarded, as shown in the table below.

* The maximum amount payable for each scholarship is determined by academic merit and family income.
Last year, for the provision of services in transnational mobility, a single third party was required to guarantee:
• support for the acquisition, at the foreign and Italian schools, of the documentation necessary for the recognition of the period of study spent abroad, according to the current legislative and ministerial provisions;
• lodging with families, colleges or school residences;
• costs for possible visas;
• return flight tickets;
• transfer from the airport of arrival to the place of destination, including airport taxes;
• food during the entire stay, including short holidays (national holidays related to the host country, excluding Easter and Christmas holidays);
• the cost of any school canteen service;
• local public transport for the duration of the stay, where necessary to cover the journey from the host structure (family / college / school residence) to the school or college;
• insurance.
With the Itaca Program, therefore, INPS annually offers the children of its members the possibility of attending a school course in foreign schools, in Europe or in countries outside Europe.
The new call for 2020/21 has just been published. Here you can find all the details: ITACA 2020/21
If you want to know more about ITACA, you can attend the ETN Focus in Naples, 5-6 March. Here’s the link with all the info: PON, INPSIEME e ITACA Focus
article written by Dina Villani