Italian students abroad: here’s some figures and facts

An increasing number of students is interested in learning a new language and the goals that drive these students to travel abroad are certainly academic as well as personal – such as the will to discover new places and the desire to learn a new language

According to the 2019 report of the Intercultural Observatory, the number of schools – from north to south of Italy – involved in sending students abroad for carrying out a training period of three, six or twelve months is growing.

In the school year 2018-2019, the Italian students who decided to attend at least three months of study abroad were about 10,200 (+38% compared to 2016, and more importantly +191% compared to 2009).

A phenomenon that has affected more than 50% of the schools, with the North West and the North East pulling the country and the South that is catching up.

But it’s not just student mobility that is growing. The internationalization index, in fact, earns 2 points compared to 2016 and 7 points compared to 2009. From this figure it emerges the increase in group mobility, study internships abroad, courses that educate European citizenship and teaching in a foreign language of non-linguistic subjects (CLIL). The percentage of schools with a low internationalization index has therefore increased from 46% in 2016 to the current 33%.

These numbers certainly represent an important result, so much so that according to the general secretary of the Intercultura foundation, in just a decade almost 200% of additional families have decided to invest in the international education of their children, in many cases thanks to a scholarship without which they would never have left for an experience whose benefits are tangible in the adolescent’s personal and scholastic growth.

Scholarships are therefore certainly an important contribution to students going abroad; without a subsidy 78% of participants in mobility programs would not have left.

In Italy there are several scholarships that allow students to leave: here you can find some:


If you want to know more about these opportunities, you can attend the ETN Focus in Naples, 5-6 March. Here’s the link with all the info: PON, INPSIEME e ITACA Focus

Alessandra Martinelli
About the Author
Alessandra Martinelli - Head of International Relations ETN FOCUS