Communication 101: Leadership Approaches To Cross-Cultural Management
In it’s essence, management is all about communication. Moreover, it’s about sharing a goal, seeing that your team understands the value of it and ensuring that you implement whatever plans you make in reality.
So, if you want to make sure the international students within your institution are happy, then you need to understand which is the right way to communicate with students coming from all sorts of cultures and backgrounds. As a leader and a manager who seeks to provide the best experience for international students, you must try out various types of communication and leadership techniques. Then, you can pick those you believe are the right ones for specific situations.
In order to give you some inspiration, today we picked several types of famous communicators and well-known leaders. We believe that these methods and approaches are good examples that you can use for your cross-cultural management strategies on campus:
Communicator who creates a tribe (by best-selling author Seth Godin)
Leader without any assertiveness and power (by Wharton university professor Adam Grant)
The one with strong presence in the room (by Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg)
Communicator with high emotional intelligence (by psychologist Daniel Goleman)
Those with a unifying idea (discussion with entrepreneur Elon Musk)
The non-violent communicator (by psychologist Marshall Rosenberg)
So, which type of communicator do you consider yourself to be?
Do you find yourself lacking some communication or leadership abilities and skills?
Tell us your opinion in the comments!