How To Recruit Students Successfully

Student mobility worldwide has seen a substantial growth in the past few years, and there is no evidence of this process slowing down. The OECD has recently reported that the total number of international students worldwide will exceed 8 million by 2025. As a...
Posted On 09 Aug 2017

Save the date: 2nd LIVE broadcast of our China webinar with BOSSA

Yesterday we hosted our dedicated live webinar on international student recruitment opportunities on the Chinese market. Our guest speaker was Jon Santangelo, International Department at BOSSA – Beijing Study Abroad Service Association.  As previously announced, we are...
Posted On 26 Jul 2017

Vietnamese Students: How Do You Recruit Them?

Vietnam is a country with remarkable history of development. Since 1986, it has turned from one of the world’s poorest regions into one of the world’s fastest-growing economies! Vietnam’s current population is over 95 million people or 1.27% of the world’s total population....
Posted On 18 Jul 2017

How To Reach and Recruit Students From China

We’re used to talking about internationalisation of nations and cultures as something given that merely exists worldwide and is easily accessible by everyone. We also take for granted Internet, with its ubiquitous penetration worldwide, as the main vessel for this process....
Posted On 10 Jul 2017

3 Barriers That Disengage Prospective International Students

In our previous post, we showed you how you can use content marketing strategies to evaluate your international student recruitment efforts. More specifically, we talked about the purchase funnel concept and how prospective students pass down through it. We identified three...
Posted On 23 Jun 2017

Evaluating Student Recruitment Success: Content Marketing Strategies

Today, we are going to show you how to apply common content marketing strategies to international student recruitment. As you most probably already know, content marketing professionals have this term: purchase funnel. The idea behind is that every prospective customer has to go...
Posted On 21 Jun 2017

Going Beyond The Top 4: Why Adding More Countries To The Mix Is Essential?

China, India, South Korea and Saudi Arabia are the top 4 source markets for international students in the world. These countries are famous for producing the biggest numbers of students who enjoy the benefits of international mobility. Knowing this, many educators...
Posted On 19 Jun 2017

Under What Circumstances Are Education Agents Not An Option?

We’ve said it before on more than one occasions. Every educational institution that recruits international students could benefit from the help of education agents. However, even this golden rule does have its exceptions. And today it’s time to focus on those. Even...
Posted On 25 Apr 2017

Education Agents? Find Out If You Need Them!

There are numerous educational institutions all over the world that open their doors to international students, and the numbers keep growing. At the same time, many of those institutions are new to the practice of using education agents for international student recruitment. Is...
Posted On 20 Apr 2017

Small-Town Liberal Arts US Colleges: A Hidden Gem In International Education?

Small town charms attract fewer students in the US each year. Why? It seems calm environment, opportunity to focus on learning and strong ties with local community apparently don’t provide enough excitement for most. Could this seeming decline in small liberal arts...
Posted On 13 Apr 2017

International Student Recruitment: How To Do It Right?

Has your university recently discovered that student recruitment agents could be an option for international student recruitment? Are you considering use of agent services but still have loads of questions on where exactly to start? Well, count yourself lucky,...
Posted On 24 Mar 2017

5 Key Factors In Picking Universities Abroad

Choosing the right university abroad is a difficult process and making the final decision can be even tougher. But most of the times, students will consider at least a couple of the following 5 key factors: Factor #1: Cost of tuition We always try to make a point that the...
Posted On 08 Mar 2017